Introducing: Trendwatch UK Equities ('TAM 2.0')
Thank you - your info pack and application form are below in PDF format
Would you like to discuss the product with the Investment Manager, Rob Cullum, to understand better how it works?
Every week Rob allocates a certain amount of time to answer questions from potential customers, with a 'no pressure' promise. To book a 15 minute call at a time to suit you, just click the button below.
- Trendwatch UK Equities ('Tam 2.0') - Information Pack
Read this for a complete overview of the Trendwatch UK Equities ('TAM 2.0') product.
- Application Form
Complete and return this form when you're ready to invest in Trendwatch UK Equities.
Questions, or problems with any of these documents? Please schedule a call with us (via the button to the right) for a convenient time. We'll call you back and will be happy to help.
Have questions about this product?
Every week, Trendwatch founder and Investment Manager of this product, Rob Cullum, allocates time to speak one-on-one with potential clients.
Important: we don't do high-pressure sales calls!
For a relaxed conversation about the product to answer any questions you may have, click the button below and use the scheduling tool to book a convenient time for Rob to call you.
Trendwatch Asset Management takes your privacy very seriously. We will never sell, share or otherwise misuse your personal data.
TrendWatch Asset Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA firm no: 414207) and registered in England and Wales, company no: 4704606. Registered office: 6b Parkway, Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6PA.