Attention: UK private investors seeking tax-free,
market-beating returns, in rising or falling markets
Introducing: Trendwatch UK Equities
Otherwise known as 'Tam 2.0' - TrendWatch editor Rob Cullum's groundbreaking 5x Geared, Long UK Equities Product

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Trendwatch Asset Management takes your privacy very seriously. We will never sell, share or otherwise misuse your personal data. TrendWatch Asset Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA firm no: 414207) and registered in England and Wales, company no: 4704606. Registered office: 6b Parkway, Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6PA. Telephone: +44 (0)1727 762 629.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is it?
TAM evolved from TrendWatch, the highly regarded investment newsletter founded in 2000. TrendWatch’s share recommendations are based on a combination of trend analysis (using proprietary market scanning software) and fundamental analysis. Over the years, TrendWatch built up an impressive market-beating simulated performance record. TAM uses the same proven analytical techniques, but with much more flexibility, notably the ability to trade both long and short in all markets – though it will always be predominantly a long equity investment. We proved the concept with the original TAM ('TAM 1.0'), which ran from May 2009 until March 2012. 'TAM 2.0' is a major improvement on the original TAM concept, with greater precision in its share selections, and much better risk management.
Is It Any Good?
You should regard our products as medium to long-term investments. Over time, the downside is limited by guaranteed stop-loss limits, while the upside is unlimited. In the short term, expect considerable volatility in the value of our investments due to the gearing. Other things being equal, a 1% rise in equity markets can result in a 4% rise in the value of your investment, and vice versa. To see how an investment in our products would have fared since inception, please see our performance record at
How can it be tax-free?
Because this is an innovative managed spread betting service (with strict safety measures in place to control your risk).
And under current UK legislation, spread betting is not subject to Capital Gains Tax on any profits. The tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. -
Who can invest?
Anyone can invest directly. You don't need a broker or financial adviser. The minimum investment is £5,000.
How can I get all the details?
Simply complete the short form on this page. We’ll then send you a fully comprehensive information pack, via email.