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Attention: UK private investors seeking tax-free returns, in rising or falling markets
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“I continue to be impressed by the concept and indeed by the performance... the recovery in performance over the last few weeks has been impressive.” P.S.
"Many thanks for all you do for Trendwatch subscribers. I always value your opinions and observations and again this week is no exception. I loved the edition on Brexit which seems a distant memory now."
Risk Warning
Spread betting carries a high level of risk to your capital, and it is possible to lose your initial deposit.
These trading products may not be suitable for all investors so seek independent advice.
View full risk warning here.
Meet our Investment Managers

Meet our Investment Managers, led by Trendwatch founder Rob Cullum, and Trendwatch Global Futures Manager Phil Seaton.
TrendWatch Asset Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA firm no: 414207) and registered in England and Wales, company no: 4704606. Registered office: 6b Parkway, Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6PA. Telephone: +44 (0)1727 762 629. Trendwatch Asset Management takes your privacy very seriously. We will never sell, share or otherwise misuse your personal data.